The second dress will be shipped on Monday! Yea!! I will definately pick a different shipping company since this last one I have been working with has only given me problems of very late packages! I apologize to everyone for these recent problems!!
I had a minor setback of a few days because I received a call from my daughter's nephrologist (kidney specialist) telling me her last labs showed her blood sugar was at 195 and she needed to see an endocrinologist asap for possible diabetes. So early the next morning we were at the hospital. Hours and lotsa blood & sugar testing later, we find that she may have Turner's Syndrome. Actual blood chromosone testing will tell us for sure in 6 weeks. But it makes sense seeing that she is 6 years old and the size of a small 4 year old as well as these other autoimmune issues! She is showing about 75% of the characteristics. Now we know what we are dealing with & can take proper care of her to give her a better future.
So the stress of that day & trying to deal with the VA clinic for my care threw me into a pretty painful flare for the Thanksgiving weekend. I praise the Lord for my wonderful husband who helped my 2 eldest daughters make a ham & some basic trimmings for a very nice meal. I am very proud of them for pitching in as much as they do!!
Here is a small video/remix I made of my progress on the next sculpture.... Hopefully I'll be able to update it each time I take more picture (fingers crossed the program will work properly for me!!)
(this video is in the above post, so I took it out here so nobody gets confused!)